
Queen of the gods



Hera is the mother to Hercules. She is portrayed as a kind and loving mother who is distraught when her son was taken in the middle of the night. She watches him grow from afar and welcomes him home with open arms and even lets him go back to Earth to be with the woman he loves. Hercules is implied the only child to Hera and Zeus.Zeus and Hera rule Olympus. They are the King and Queen that all others praise. She also shows love and support to her husband Zeus throughout the movie. She never leaves her husband side unless during the fight when she was chained up with the rest of the Gods and Goddess.

Greek Mythology


Hera is the daughter of the youngest Titan Cronus and Rhea. Cronus swallowed her as a newborn until Zeus, her younger brother, tricked Cronus into regurgitate all of his siblings. Zeus then led led the revolt against the Titans, banished them, and divided the dominion over the world with his brothers Poseidon and Hades.Hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth than motherhood. She is charmed by Zeus and she seduces him; he cheats on her and has many children with other goddesses and mortal women; she is intensely jealous and vindictive towards his children and their mothers; he is threatening and violent to her.Hera may have been the first deity to whom the Greeks dedicated an enclosed roofed temple sanctuary, but was later replaced by the Heraion of Samos. Hera was most known as the matron goddess but she presided over weddings as well.She was also worshipped as a virgin: there was a tradition in Stymphalia in Arcadia that there had been a tirple shrine to Hera the Girl (Pais), the Adult Woman (Teleia), and the Separated ([Chere] 'Widowed' or 'Divorced'). In the region around Argos, the temple of Hera in Hermione near Argos was to Hera the Virgin. At the spring of Kanathos, close to Nauplia, Hera renewed her virginity annually, in rites that were not to be spoken of.

Lore Olympus


Hera was created by Metis from starlight and the richest soul of the earth. During Kronos’s reign as ruler of the cosmos, Hera was considered the most desired by the gods including Kronos himself. Over time, Hera grew disgusted by the tyranny of Kronos and joined a young god by the name of Zeus in rebelling against the Titans along with her best friends Demeter and Hestia, and Zeus’s older brother’s Hades (at the time known as Aidoneus) and Poseidon, who Zeus rescued from Kronos’s imprisonment.Hera was tasked by Metis to help tend to Aidoneus, who suffered severe injuries when he escaped from Kronos. Scared at first, the young goddess slowly began to help Aidoneus with his bandages, speaking to him and acknowledging that he had been alone for 13 years. Although in pain, the injured god gently caressed her face. Smiling at him, she moved towards him and the two shared a kiss. At some point, Hera entered into a romantic relationship with Zeus though it is unclear if it was before or after Hera and Aidoneus’s kiss.Together the 6 rebelled against the tyranny of the Titans known as the Titanomachy. During the rebellion Kronos began to slowly descend into madness which Zeus and Hera took notice of. To take advantage of the Mad King, Zeus and Hera concocted a plan where Hera would seduce Kronos and slowly poison him over time with the same poisonous plant that Zeus used to free Hades and Poseidon. Despite the protest of Metis, Hera's Mother, Aidoneus, and others, Hera would go on with the plan, though this did upset Zeus as it seemed to work too well for his liking.After Kronos discovered the plan, he grabbed Hera on the battle field and split her in two, giving her the X shape scar she has on her stomach in the present day. Demeter witnessed the horrible act of wrath and could only weep for Hera. Thanks to her sacrifice and Zeus's newfound power from devouring Metis, the 6 traitors were able to defeat Kronos. Despite Hera’s efforts, many people judged Hera for her deception, earning her the derogatory title “The Golden Traitor”.Despite Zeus’s attempts to comfort Hera, he was never marked by Kronos and could never understand the pain that Kronos left the other traitors. After the end of the war, Hera found comfort in Hades as he empathized with her over being scarred by Kronos. Zeus, jealous of how close the two were getting, manipulated Hades into being the ruler of the Underworld and imprisoning Kronos, so as to keep him and Hera separated. Though Hades asked Hera to come with him, she declined as she was offered to be the Queen of the Gods if she married Zeus. Overtime Zeus proved himself to be an incompetent ruler and would frequently cheat on Hera over the millennia of their marriage. Hera in retaliation would have her own long term affair with Hades to get back at him.Over the next thousands of years Hera would sire at least three children with Zeus; her son Hephaestus, her other son Ares, and recently her daughter Hebe. Hera and Hades affair ended in the 80s, seemingly after Zeus convinced Hera that his affairs were a result of Aphrodite and Eros manipulating his sexual desires, which Hera banned the Love Gods from using on other Gods.

basic info


  • Age: 42

  • Sin: Gluttony

  • Lost thing: Cuckoo Sceptre

  • Face Claim: Natalie Dormer

The past is in the Past


Hera married Zeus young and had two beautiful children, Hercules and Athena. Despite what people may say, she loved her children and tries to protect them the best she can, even if they can't see it themselves.When her children were young, Zeus and Hera threw a party at a club. While Hera was off tending to guest and her children, a drunken Zeus had gone off and slept with another woman impregnating her. While she remembers the encounter, Zeus did not and for a while her secret wouldn't be shared.Leto became a patient of Hera's and ended up spilling her secret telling Hera all about the father of the baby. Hurt by the news, Hera never let it slip that she was the wife of the man who she had an affair with. If anything, Hera started to become invested in Leto and her baby. This caused her to become close to Leto, possibly even her best friend.Hera was called in when Leto went into labor and was there to coach her friend through it and even catch the child, a healthy baby boy, Apollo. For the next few years, Hera helped Leto out as being her midwife, financially (when she needed it), and emotionally. Leto was also her escape when she needed to get away and know for a fact her family couldn't find her.It was a number of years after Apollo was born that Leto found out the truth. Hera never used that against her, never told her because she had become her friend. Heck, she even planned ways to hurt Zeus with her though they never acted on most of them.

Fatal Flaw

Theatrical and Nosey

Hera has a tendency to throw extravagant parties, events, fundraisers, etc. She tends to like the attention she gets when she puts one of these things together. On top of that, when she gets enough alcohol into others, they tend to spill their secrets. Hera loves knowing all the juicy gossip in the town, sometimes she files the information away for a rainy day, or she tries to get in and "fix" something.


obgyn MidWife

Hera is an OBGYN which stands for obstetrics and gynecology. A branch of medicine that specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth and in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive organs.As well as being an OBGYN she also is a midwife. A midwife has a lot of the same qualifications as an OBGYN. Both are medical professionals, however, OBGYN has more medical training, while a midwife supports with health counselling and education, not only for the woman, but also within the family and the community. This work should involve antenatal education and preparation for parenthood and may extend to the pregnant's health, sexual or reproductive health, and child care.Hera has an office she works in but will also make house calls to insure mothers and child are taken care of.



  • Zeus - Husband

  • Hercules - Son

  • Athena - Daughter

  • Leto - Patient/Husband's affair/Friend

  • Apollo - Stepson

  • Aphrodite - Niece

  • Calliope - Niece

  • Eris - Niece

  • Hades - Brother-in-law

  • Persephone - Future Sister-in-law

  • Megara - Future Daughter-in-law



Zeus continued to sleep around though he never fathered any other children. Hera was very thorough in looking into the fathers that weren't around. Their children started to come and hate them both for their corrupt minds and the refusal to leave. Hera would never leave Zeus. She had a status quo to uphold and for the fact that she did still love the man even if he was going down a different path that they had discussed when they were younger.Hera does keep her earnings from work in a separate account that Zeus cannot get to while she has access to his money. She will use her own to give to her children when they allow her to, otherwise, she just talks to them when she can.Their children, one by one started to figure out they had a step brother which only fueled the fire to their hatred of their father.